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 CNN Bombshell: CIA Personnel in Benghazi Silenced with Threats to Their Families by Obama Regime

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CNN Bombshell: CIA Personnel in Benghazi Silenced with Threats to Their Families by Obama Regime Empty
PostSubject: CNN Bombshell: CIA Personnel in Benghazi Silenced with Threats to Their Families by Obama Regime   CNN Bombshell: CIA Personnel in Benghazi Silenced with Threats to Their Families by Obama Regime I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 05, 2013 6:00 am

Here's the link:

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CNN Bombshell: CIA Personnel in Benghazi Silenced with Threats to Their Families by Obama Regime Empty
PostSubject: Re: CNN Bombshell: CIA Personnel in Benghazi Silenced with Threats to Their Families by Obama Regime   CNN Bombshell: CIA Personnel in Benghazi Silenced with Threats to Their Families by Obama Regime I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 06, 2013 12:32 am

The whole thing is messed up.

Also, usually CNN doesn't do any news stories like this.
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CNN Bombshell: CIA Personnel in Benghazi Silenced with Threats to Their Families by Obama Regime
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