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 Dark Ghost Blog Post 5

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PostSubject: Dark Ghost Blog Post 5   Dark Ghost Blog Post 5 I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 30, 2013 7:48 pm

Jon Bon Jovi sings of the death of a child

Jon Bon Jovi's song August 7, 4:15 is a song about the death of a little girl by the name of Katherine Korzilius the 6-year old daughter of his bands manager Paul Korzilius. Katherine Korzilius was a normal, healthy six year old girl. The daughter of Paul and and Nancy Korzilius, Katherine lived an upper middle class life in an upscale gated community in Austin, Texas. Music lessons, swimming and a recent trip to Turkey all atest to the happy, privileged life the Korzilius's were afforded by Paul's job as an entertainment manager for the rock band Bon jovi. Rounding out the family was nine year old brother Chris living in a upscale gated community in Austin Taxes

Dark Ghost Blog Post 5 1314699587486_fThe two families were close you could even say that they were friends as the offten took vactions togather and the Korzilius even went with Bon Jovi on several of his tours. Things were best they seem that could be for the two families but on one summer day in August there world came crashing down when when tragedy stuck the family a painful and heart breaking death blow.
Dark Ghost Blog Post 5 Katherine5The day was August 7th, 1996 Paul Korzilius' birthday and Paul was working in his officed in New York helping Bon Jovi to promote his new tour and the subsequent album. Back home Katherine, Chris and Nacy had gone out to run some errands which included shopping for birthday gifts for Mr. Korzilius and grabing a bit to eat a the Subway. One there way home they stop off at the stopped by the group mailboxes at the edge of the gated community for Katherine to get the mail. The ritual was that Katherine who had a would get out and get the mail then walk the 1/8 of a mile home alone this was normal for them but this time Katherine would never make it home. After returning home to put groceries away, An hour later, Katherine had still not returned home. By this time, Nancy was in a panic. She had called the police, but was informed that, unless she had been missing for at least twenty-four hours, they could not declare Katherine missing. Angered and upset, Nancy pulled Chris into the family car and drove out to the mailboxes. When she did not see her daughter anywhere, she made a wide circle around the neighborhood. She found Katherine's battered body laying in the middle of the road over a half a mile away from the house, obviously not on the path she normally took home. Frantic, Nancy pulled her daughter into the car and headed for the local hospital. Around six hours later, at 11:30 P.M., Katherine was pronounced brain-dead.

Dark Ghost Blog Post 5 Une_katherine_korzilius5Hospital examinations before her death revealed a fractured skull and several bruises and uneven cuts on one hip, both knees, both elbows, the left shoulderblade, and the small of her back. The coronrer corroborated this, saying that it was most likely caused by either falling, jumping, or being thrown froma moving vehicle. There was no evidence of sexual assault; only physical trauma.Later, the police sent the K-9 unit to track the girl's scent. Startng at the mailboxes, they had walked for perhaps five or six minutes when the trail veered off into a vacant lot, then disappeared, only to be picked up again where the body was found. Police and private detectives surmised that she encountered her attacker, ran into the lot to escape, but was then picked up and thrown into a vehicle. Whether she jumped out of the vehicle or if she was thrown was never discovered. But the coroner said that the fracture in her skull was of greater size and severity to have been caused by the fall; she had obviously been struck, possibly several times, in the head. Immediatly following her death a $5,000 reward was posted and offered by the Home Owners Association of Austin, leading to information and an arrest in the hit and run death of Katherine Korzilius. To this day, the reward stands unclaimed. A year following the death of Katherine, the Korzilius's hired a private investigatior to look into Katherine's death. This investigation turned up nothing new. Dark Ghost Blog Post 5 48264579_126644801769In 1997, Jon Bon Jovi authored a song for Katherine on his album, 'Destination Anywhere'. The last track on the CD, number twelve is entitled, 'August 7, 4:15' a tribute to the death of Katherine Korzilius. In the video, Jon Bon Jovi and Demi Moore play a couple whose child is killed by a hit and run driver.The Unsolved Mysteries episode number 442 has been re-aired over a dozen times. No new information has ever come to light.The Korzilius's, Paul and Nancy remain married, and have never been suspected of Katherine's death. Paul now heads up Jon Bon Jovi's charity and is listed as the Treasurer.Katherine Korzilius's file remains open; her death listed as suspicious, and believed to be that of a hit and run.A dedication site to Katherine Korzilius created by the family remains open.

Dark Ghost Blog Post 5 64256608_135137578206
Ok I have review this and there are a few things that really have jumped out at me.
1. The police dogs lost here trail near the vancant lot the she girl would have past on her route home from the mail box. This leads me to beleave that that some one may have picked her up after hitting here with a car. I say that she was hit by a car because the injuries on here body

2. Where she was lead out. Who ever done this wanted here to be found

3. Now there is the way that she was lead out. She looked peacful like shs was sleeping the make the think that the person that had done this felt bad for what they have done.

Labels: August 7 4:15, Austin, Bon Jovi, Dark Ghost, Destination Anywhere, Detective, Gated Community, Investigation, Jon Bon Jovi, Katherine Korzilius, Nancy Korzilius, Texas, Unexplained Death, Unsolved Mysteries

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