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 How to Make a Difference that Matters

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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
President & Founder of the Heroes Network

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PostSubject: How to Make a Difference that Matters   How to Make a Difference that Matters I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 12, 2012 4:00 pm

Here's a link to the blog, and what was written there:


How to Make a Difference that Matters

How to Make a Difference that Matters Making-a-difference

A life that matters is not about desire; it’s about how.

Leaders who make a difference develop internally and explore
externally. Neglect one and you won’t make a difference that matters.

Component one:

High impact begins internally with who you are. From this vantage point, making a difference that matters is all about you. It includes knowing your:

  1. Gifts.
  2. Talents.
  3. Skills.
  4. Aptitudes.
  5. Weaknesses.
  6. Passions.

Component two:

The other side of high impact leadership is external. It centers on challenges, needs, opportunities, and problems others face. From this vantage point, making a difference that matters is all about them.

Leaders that make a difference that matters never live in a vacuum.

Leaders who make a difference that matters have:

  1. Compassionate hearts.
  2. Generous spirits. It means thinking about giving. Success is about how you serve and what you give.
  3. Practical minds that meet real needs. Compassion and generosity don’t work apart from practical solutions.
  4. Courage to act. Cowards never live lives that matter.
  5. Humility.


The formula for high impact leadership is bringing the internal you to an external challenge. Look within and then look without.

  1. Ask, “What’s not working?”
  2. Explore and embrace the value you bring.
  3. Listen for pain and pressure points.
  4. Set out to improve something.
  5. Stop blaming others for not doing something. When you blame others
    for not doing something you’re no different from the blamers you’re
  6. Think about things you can do rather than things you can’t.

Every problem you see is a leadership opportunity. The more pressing the need the more your leadership matters and the more value you bring.

If you want to matter more solve problems that matter to others.

High impact leaders bring themselves (internal world) to challenges (external world).

  1. Trust your voice.
  2. Rely on your gifts.
  3. Build on your aptitudes.
  4. Follow your passions.

What holds people back from making a difference that matters?

What other qualities do high impact leaders have?
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
President & Founder of the Heroes Network

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Join date : 2011-10-12
Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior
Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community

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PostSubject: Re: How to Make a Difference that Matters   How to Make a Difference that Matters I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 12, 2012 4:07 pm

My reply:

I like this post. It’s very straight to the point, written so intelligently yet easy for people to remember, and it brings up some really vital traits and necessities in acts of Leadership.

I most like the part about following our passions, because when we do that, we can truly know the importance of what we’re doing and have that built-in everlasting motivation to keep us going, even against the odds, and against any obstacles. Also, it’s good when we can enjoy being constructive with the positive impacts we’re making.
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How to Make a Difference that Matters Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to Make a Difference that Matters   How to Make a Difference that Matters I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 13, 2012 10:45 pm

I think that was the Cliffnotes guide to leadership. Short, and yet covered all the basics.

I've found that what we're meant to do, we have a passion to do, or care about it a lot. We're built to do things, and so what we're meant to do, we're wired to do.

I think a lot of what holds some people back, is a fear that they can't do it. They think that it's too hard, or that it can never happen, so they never even try.

Also another thing that's important, is watching and listening. You have to know and understand what's going on in order to be able to help.
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
President & Founder of the Heroes Network

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Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior
Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community

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PostSubject: Re: How to Make a Difference that Matters   How to Make a Difference that Matters I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 06, 2012 3:08 am

Well said. And you brought up some good points about how our interests often lead us to prepare ourselves to do what we're meant to do in life. Be it learning, training, communicating with like minded people, and getting everything we need in order to be able to do it, and also do it well.
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